Cheap 1991 Saab 900 Car Insurance Quotes

No one cherishes buying insurance, especially knowing the cost is too high.

With consumers having so many companies to choose from, it is hard for the average consumer to choose the most affordable insurer.

It’s a good idea to compare prices every six months since rates fluctuate regularly. Even if you think you had the best deal on 900 insurance a couple years back a different company probably has better rates today. There is a lot of bad information regarding insurance on the internet, so by reading this article, you’re going to learn some tested techniques to put money back in your pocket.

Compare the Market for Car Insurance

Most companies quote prices for coverage on their websites. Obtaining pricing is fairly simple as you just enter the amount of coverage you want into the quote form. Once you submit the form, their rating system automatically orders credit information and your driving record and generates pricing information based on many factors. Online price quotes makes comparing rates easy, but the process of having to visit different websites and complete many quote forms is not the best way to spend an afternoon. But it’s absolutely necessary to get many rate quotes in order to find the best price possible.

A less time-consuming method to compare rates uses one form to get prices from multiple companies. It’s a real time-saver, reduces the work, and makes online shopping much simpler. Immediately after submitting the form, it is rated and you can select any or none of the resulting price quotes.

If a lower price is quoted, it’s easy to complete the application and buy the new coverage. This process can be completed in a matter of minutes and can result in significant savings.

If you want to get comparison pricing now, click here to open in a new tab and enter your vehicle and coverage information. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you duplicate coverages and limits identical to your current policy. This helps ensure you will have comparison quotes for the exact same coverage.

Don’t overlook these discounts

The price of auto insurance can be rather high, but you may find discounts that you may not know about. Certain discounts will be triggered automatically at the time of quoting, but some may not be applied and must be specifically requested prior to getting the savings.

  • New Vehicle Savings – Insuring a new car is cheaper due to better safety requirements for new cars.
  • Homeowners Pay Less – Being a homeowner can help you save on auto insurance due to the fact that maintaining a home demonstrates responsibility.
  • No Accidents – Claim-free drivers can save substantially compared to drivers who are more careless.
  • Military Rewards – Having a family member in the military could be rewarded with lower premiums.
  • More Vehicles More Savings – Buying coverage for multiple cars or trucks with the same company may reduce the rate for each vehicle.
  • Government Employees – Active or retired federal employment can earn a discount up to 10% on 900 insurance with select insurance companies.
  • Safe Drivers – Safe drivers may receive a discount up to 45% less on 900 insurance than less cautious drivers.
  • Low Mileage Discounts – Low mileage vehicles could be rewarded with discounted rates on garaged vehicles.

Drivers should understand that most discount credits are not given to the overall cost of the policy. Some only reduce the price of certain insurance coverages like medical payments or collision. So even though they make it sound like having all the discounts means you get insurance for free, it doesn’t quite work that way. But any discount will cut your overall premium however.

For a list of insurers offering auto insurance discounts, click here.

Is my situation unique?

When buying adequate coverage, there isn’t really a “perfect” insurance plan. Everyone’s situation is a little different so this has to be addressed. Here are some questions about coverages that can help discover whether you may require specific advice.

  • Is my Saab 900 covered if I use it for business?
  • Why does it cost so much to insure a teen driver?
  • Which is better, split liability limits or combined limits?
  • Is borrowed equipment or tools covered if stolen or damaged?
  • Do I need rental car coverage?
  • Is my babysitter covered when using my vehicle?
  • What is UM/UIM insurance?
  • Do I have coverage if my license is suspended?
  • Do all my vehicles need collision coverage?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions then you might want to talk to an insurance agent. To find lower rates from a local agent, fill out this quick form or go to this page to view a list of companies.

Specific coverages for a Saab 900

Having a good grasp of insurance can be of help when determining which coverages you need at the best deductibles and correct limits. Insurance terms can be confusing and coverage can change by endorsement. Shown next are typical coverage types offered by insurance companies.

Comprehensive (Other than Collision)

Comprehensive insurance pays for damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. You first must pay your deductible then the remaining damage will be covered by your comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive coverage pays for things like rock chips in glass, falling objects and hitting a deer. The most a insurance company will pay at claim time is the market value of your vehicle, so if it’s not worth much more than your deductible it’s probably time to drop comprehensive insurance.

Protection from uninsured/underinsured drivers

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage gives you protection when the “other guys” do not carry enough liability coverage. Covered claims include injuries to you and your family as well as damage to your 1991 Saab 900.

Since a lot of drivers only purchase the least amount of liability that is required, their limits can quickly be used up. That’s why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage is important protection for you and your family. Usually these coverages are set the same as your liablity limits.

Medical expense insurance

Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and medical payments coverage pay for expenses like nursing services, ambulance fees, prosthetic devices, funeral costs and X-ray expenses. They can be used in conjunction with a health insurance policy or if you are not covered by health insurance. They cover all vehicle occupants and also covers being hit by a car walking across the street. Personal Injury Protection is not an option in every state and may carry a deductible

Liability coverages

This coverage can cover damage or injury you incur to people or other property in an accident. It protects you from legal claims by others, and doesn’t cover your injuries or vehicle damage.

It consists of three limits, bodily injury for each person, bodily injury for the entire accident, and a limit for property damage. As an example, you may have values of 100/300/100 that translate to $100,000 in coverage for each person’s injuries, a per accident bodily injury limit of $300,000, and $100,000 of coverage for damaged propery. Alternatively, you may have a combined limit that pays claims from the same limit without having the split limit caps.

Liability insurance covers claims like repair costs for stationary objects, court costs, medical services and medical expenses. The amount of liability coverage you purchase is your choice, but it’s cheap coverage so purchase as high a limit as you can afford.

Collision insurance

This coverage will pay to fix damage to your 900 caused by collision with another vehicle or an object, but not an animal. You will need to pay your deductible then your collision coverage will kick in.

Collision coverage protects against claims like colliding with another moving vehicle, driving through your garage door, hitting a mailbox and colliding with a tree. Paying for collision coverage can be pricey, so consider dropping it from older vehicles. Drivers also have the option to bump up the deductible to bring the cost down.