How Much Does 2010 Chevrolet HHR Insurance Cost?

Finding cheaper insurance for a Chevy HHR can be a lot of work, but you can learn these tips to make it easier. There are more efficient ways to shop for insurance coverage and we’ll show you the absolute fastest way to quote coverages for a Chevy and get the lowest price from both online companies and local agents.

Choosing the best insurance company for you is not that difficult. If you have a policy now or are shopping for new coverage, you can use these tips to shop for the lowest rates and possibly find even better coverage. Consumers only need an understanding of the proper methods to compare company rates on the web.

Car Insurance Prices

Most companies like 21st Century, Allstate and State Farm provide prices on the web. Obtaining pricing is fairly straightforward as you just enter your coverage preferences into the quote form. Once entered, their system orders your credit score and driving record and quotes a price determined by many factors.

Quoting online streamlines rate comparisons, but having to visit each company’s website and repetitively enter the same data into a form is repetitive and time-consuming. But it’s very important to perform this step if you want to find the lowest possible prices on car insurance.

The easy way to compare rates

A more efficient way to find lower prices is to use a quote form that gets prices from a lot of companies. This type of form saves time, requires much less work on your part, and makes online price comparison much more enjoyable. After sending your information, it gets priced with multiple companies and you can pick any or none of the quotes that you receive. If you find a better price it’s easy to complete the application and purchase coverage. This process only takes a few minutes and may result in a nice savings.

To find out how much you’re overpaying now, click here to open in a new tab and complete the simple form. If you have your current policy handy, we recommend you replicate the coverages exactly as shown on your declarations page. Using the same limits helps guarantee you will have rate quotes for similar insurance coverage.

Save 15 percent in 15 minutes? Is it for real?

Consumers get pounded daily by advertisements for cheaper car insurance by 21st Century, Allstate and State Farm. All the companies say the same thing that you’ll save big after switching to their company.

But how can every company make almost identical claims? It’s all in the numbers.

All companies can use profiling for the type of customer that makes them money. A good example of a desirable insured could possibly be a mature driver, has no tickets, and drives less than 7,500 miles a year. A customer who fits that profile gets the lowest rates and is almost guaranteed to cut their rates substantially.

Drivers who don’t qualify for this ideal profile will have to pay more money which usually ends up with business going elsewhere. The ads say “drivers who switch” not “people who quote” save that kind of money. That’s the way insurance companies can make those claims. Because of the profiling, it is so important to compare as many rates as you can. It is impossible to predict the company that will provide you with the cheapest Chevy HHR insurance rates.

Discounts to lower 2010 Chevy HHR insurance rates

Companies offering auto insurance don’t necessarily list all available discounts very well, so we researched some of the more common and the more hidden ways to save on insurance coverage. If you don’t get every credit you qualify for, you are throwing money away.

  • Passive Restraint Discount – Factory air bags and/or automatic seat belt systems can qualify for discounts of 20% or more.
  • Government Employees – Active or retired federal employment may qualify you for a discount on HHR insurance depending on your company.
  • College Student – Children who are attending college and do not have a car can be insured at a reduced rate.
  • Low Mileage Discounts – Fewer annual miles on your Chevy can earn better rates on cars that stay parked.
  • Pay Upfront and Save – If you pay your entire premium ahead of time instead of making monthly payments you could save 5% or more.
  • Defensive Driver – Taking a course in driver safety could possibly earn you a 5% discount if you qualify.
  • Multi-policy Discount – If you have multiple policies with the same insurance company you may save at least 10% off all policies.
  • Accident Waiver – A handful of insurance companies allow you one accident without raising rates so long as you haven’t had any claims for a certain period of time.
  • New Car Discount – Putting insurance coverage on a new car can save up to 30% because new vehicles have to meet stringent safety requirements.

Consumers should know that most discounts do not apply the the whole policy. Most only cut individual premiums such as liability and collision coverage. So when the math indicates you would end up receiving a 100% discount, you’re out of luck.

Insurance companies that may offer these money-saving discounts may include but are not limited to:

Before buying, ask all companies you are considering how you can save money. All car insurance discounts may not be available everywhere.

Tailor your coverage to you

When choosing coverage, there really is not a perfect coverage plan. Everyone’s needs are different.

For instance, these questions may help highlight whether or not you would benefit from an agent’s advice.

  • Am I covered when driving a rental car?
  • Should I have a commercial auto policy?
  • Will I lose any money if I cancel my policy before it expires?
  • What exactly is covered by my policy?
  • What is the ISO rating for a 2010 Chevy HHR?
  • Do I need special endorsements for business use of my vehicle?
  • Do I need replacement cost coverage?
  • If my 2010 Chevy HHR is totaled, can I afford another vehicle?
  • Where can I find DUI or SR-22 insurance?

If you don’t know the answers to these questions but one or more may apply to you then you might want to talk to an insurance agent. If you want to speak to an agent in your area, simply complete this short form. It is quick, free and you can get the answers you need.

Car insurance 101

Understanding the coverages of your auto insurance policy can be of help when determining appropriate coverage and proper limits and deductibles. Auto insurance terms can be difficult to understand and nobody wants to actually read their policy.

Auto collision coverage

Collision insurance covers damage to your HHR caused by collision with an object or car. You first must pay a deductible then the remaining damage will be paid by your insurance company.

Collision can pay for things like crashing into a building, sideswiping another vehicle, crashing into a ditch and rolling your car. Collision is rather expensive coverage, so you might think about dropping it from lower value vehicles. It’s also possible to choose a higher deductible to get cheaper collision coverage.

UM/UIM Coverage

Your UM/UIM coverage gives you protection from other motorists when they either have no liability insurance or not enough. It can pay for injuries sustained by your vehicle’s occupants and also any damage incurred to your Chevy HHR.

Since a lot of drivers only purchase the least amount of liability that is required, their liability coverage can quickly be exhausted. For this reason, having high UM/UIM coverages should not be overlooked.

Auto liability insurance

Liability coverage can cover damage that occurs to a person or their property by causing an accident. It protects YOU from legal claims by others. It does not cover damage sustained by your vehicle in an accident.

Split limit liability has three limits of coverage: per person bodily injury, per accident bodily injury, and a property damage limit. You commonly see policy limits of 50/100/50 which stand for $50,000 bodily injury coverage, a per accident bodily injury limit of $100,000, and a limit of $50,000 paid for damaged property.

Liability insurance covers things like repair bills for other people’s vehicles, legal defense fees, attorney fees and court costs. How much liability coverage do you need? That is up to you, but consider buying as much as you can afford.

Comprehensive or Other Than Collision

Comprehensive insurance coverage will pay to fix damage caused by mother nature, theft, vandalism and other events. You need to pay your deductible first and the remainder of the damage will be paid by comprehensive coverage.

Comprehensive can pay for things like theft, a tree branch falling on your vehicle, damage from getting keyed, fire damage and vandalism. The highest amount your auto insurance company will pay is the ACV or actual cash value, so if it’s not worth much more than your deductible it’s not worth carrying full coverage.

Medical costs insurance

Med pay and PIP coverage reimburse you for bills like ambulance fees, EMT expenses and hospital visits. They are used to cover expenses not covered by your health insurance policy or if you do not have health coverage. They cover not only the driver but also the vehicle occupants and will also cover if you are hit as a while walking down the street. Personal injury protection coverage is only offered in select states but it provides additional coverages not offered by medical payments coverage

More quotes mean more savings

Cheaper 2010 Chevy HHR insurance can be purchased both online and also from your neighborhood agents, so you should be comparing quotes from both to have the best rate selection. There are still a few companies who may not provide online quoting and many times these regional insurance providers only sell through independent insurance agents.

We covered many ways to shop for insurance online. The key concept to understand is the more rate quotes you have, the better chance you’ll have of finding lower rates. You may even find the lowest priced insurance comes from a company that doesn’t do a lot of advertising.

Consumers who switch companies do it for a variety of reasons including poor customer service, being labeled a high risk driver, questionable increases in premium and delays in responding to claim requests. Regardless of your reason for switching companies, choosing a new insurance company is actually quite simple.

Additional insurance information can be found at these links: